How Will You Live Your Story?

Kourtney’s arms swung around me, clutching my neck. She was leaning in close, almost nose to nose and she declared, “You’re the best mommy in the whole world!” My heart instantly melted, because what mom doesn’t love hearing her child declare their love?

I breathed a deep sign and whispered, “Mommy loves you soooo much!” and “She whispered back, I love you too Mommy.”

Can I be honest for a few moments?

I have had this type of exchange many more times with my other children. But at this particular moment, there was something else going on inside of me as my daughter was so badly declaring her devotion for me. You see what she didn’t know is that deep down I truly wasn’t feeling like “the best mommy in the world.” As a matter of fact although I was truly thankful for my daughters words, this mom felt like a mess. During this very stressful season in my life, I begin to allow the nagging words to doubt to fill my head. Which caused me to seriously question whether or not I was really a good mom at all.

 On the blog today, let’s talk about how you can allow the nagging words of doubt to fill your head and question whether you are a good mother or not.

This mom was… tired.

I was feeling burned out.

I was struggling to keep up and keep it all together.

It was to the point where most days as soon as I took my last sip of coffee, I was looking forward to bedtime.

Trust me it was time for a change. And if I am being transparent that change had to start me ME!

John 30:30 is the verse that comes to mind: “He must become greater, I must become less.”

God has woven this verse throughout my life. Let’s be honest we know that we need to follow Him and not ourselves. We need to walk by faith, and not our feelings. It’s a daily battle to surrender our will to his. But, let me encourage you to keep the faith and stand firm my friends. So much so that our daily lives are rooted in the One who holds our future in his hands and orders our steps.

As we turn the page and enter this second half of the year, it is the perfect time to start fresh and truly focus on Him. It doesn’t have to be complicated. We can start by learning to spend time with Him daily and watch our hearts change over time. By reading our bible or a daily devotional we are deepening our faith for this journey called life and becoming more like Jesus.

God uses motherhood to grow you from the inside out, with intentional ways of deepening your faith in any season of parenthood. Because the true calling of motherhood: is training, disciplining, and loving your children well.

God has given each of us a unique story and purpose to live out here on earth. As moms, a huge part of our stories are the lives that we pour into on a daily basis at home.

Remember we can’t leave a legacy if we don’t first live it out.

How will you Live your story? I’ll share first.. I will live every day in awe of what God is doing, praying that He won’t waste one ounce of my story. I desire to use all of my life to glorify Him. It may not be easy, and it is far from perfect. But with His help, I am learning to become better by becoming more like Jesus.

How about you?




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