Blended Family Baggage

Your marriage and your family, no matter how crazy you think they are, do not need your assumptions at this point. You, your spouse and kids need some facts.
On the blog today I’ll be discussing blended family baggage

Here are 2 very important facts to focus on.

FACT: You can’t control others, but you can control you. A hard lesson to remember in the moment when you feel out of control, but so important for your sanity. Focus on keeping your cool when others are heating up. Focus on really listening to what others are saying and then ask more questions to gain knowledge. Knowledge is power, so gather as much information as possible before as the old saying goes…they make an A** out of you and me! 

FACT: Your blended family came with baggage! Don’t become overwhelmed and make assumptions that everyone is out to get you. Remember, you came into this family with your own set of ‘luggage’. Let’s be honest sometimes you have to deal with a little duffel bag and sometimes you have to lug a huge steam trunk. They are all part of the journey. But remember, you get to put away the baggage in between trips.

Choose to focus on compartmentalizing situations where there is chaos. Just because the ex is causing you to swear, doesn’t mean your whole family deserves a verbal assault from you. You can look for the bad and find it every time, so focus on all the good. Or you can decide that there are tons of amazing things to discover every day about your life, spouse, kids, pets, etc. that are worth noticing and giving your attention.

When you focus on the facts, it gives you the added information to be wiser, more compassionate, and have the ability to slow down when tempers flare.

There is no possible way for you to know what everyone’s thinking and how everyone is feeling, and many times, whatever we think people think about us is completely wrong. Take some deep breaths, and remind yourself that there are no cookie-cutter humans and that you have control over your response, your attitude, your words, your actions, your perspective, and your tone… and hopefully, none of those will be filled with assumptions.

Did this resonate with you? If so, then please comment below. Let’s chat about blended families facts versus assumptions.

Photos by Christina Jones Photography


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